Art Organizations
Arrowhead Regional Arts Council
The Arrowhead Regional Arts Council (ARAC) is one of eleven state-designated Regional Arts Councils whose primary function is to facilitate and encourage local arts development by providing funding and various forms of assistance for the creation and presentation of the arts. In this role, ARAC awards grants to individual artists and nonprofit, tax-exempt arts organizations in the Arrowhead Region. The Arrowhead Regional Arts Council’s mission is to facilitate and encourage local arts development.
Website: www.aracouncil.info
This is a great organization which gives artists the opportunity to come together a weekend annually in May to have their artwork judged in the Art Exhibit which is open to the public and priced to sell if you choose. There are demonstrations by guest MN artists and Judge and opportunity for several social activities throughout the weekend. It’s always a fun event.
ArtSage is a catalyst for the field of arts and aging. We provide training for artists and organizations, consulting services and resources in the field of arts and aging.
Website: www.ArtSageMN.org
The Duluth Art Institute enriches daily life with dynamic, innovative arts programming that upholds excellence and promotes active community participation.
Website: www.DuluthArtInstitute.org
The Edge Center in Bigfork, MN is a gallery and performing hall seating 275 that hosts diverse, quality artistic performanceS and exhibitions. It is a place for community arts collaboration and growth and a place where the arts stimulate the thinking and emotions of the residents of Northern Minnesota.
Website: www.the-edge-center.org
Offering classes, workshops & events for folks of all ages.
Website: https://elyfolkschool.org/
The longest-lived art colony in Minnesota, the Grand Marais Art Colony, began in 1947 as a summer refuge for artists seeking study in the wilderness. Every year the Art Colony hosts the Grand Marais Arts Festival and the Plein Air Competition and a variety of workshops throughout the year.
Website: www.GrandMaraisArtColony.org
Iron Range Makerspace LLC
Website: ironrangemakerspace.com
The Lyric Center for the Arts is a 1912 Opera House downtown Virginia, Minnesota which is owned by the Laurentian Arts and Culture Alliance, a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. The First Stage gallery and performance space is located in a small portion of the facility and features exhibitions of regional artists, literary readings, musicians and plays.
Website: www.LyricCenterOnline.org
MacRostie Art Center (MAC) is dedicated to community growth through the arts in northern Minnesota. MAC offers classes, monthly exhibitions, and an art shop.
Website: www.macrostieartcenter.org
Minnesota Citizens for the Arts (MCA)
Minnesota Citizens for the Arts (MCA)is a statewide arts advocacy organization that organizes the arts community to lobby the Minnesota State Legislature and Congress. Our mission is to ensure opportunity for all people to have access to and involvement in the arts.
Website: www.mncitizensforthearts.org
The Minnesota State Arts Board is a state agency that stimulates and encourages the creation, performance, and appreciation of the arts in the state, through presenting free resources, grants and other opportunities to artists and arts organizations.
Website: www.arts.state.mn.us
MNArtists.org is an online database of Minnesota artists and organizations from all disciplines. It offers to Minnesota-based artists a central gathering place on the Web, and will grow to become a marketplace and community hub. It offers the public a new way to explore art and get to know artists and to improve the lives of Minnesota artists and provide access to and engagement with Minnesota’s arts culture.
Website: www.mnartists.org
North House Folk School is the first folk school in Minnesota and is dedicated to the belief that the learning of traditional craft is a truly sustainable effort. Traditional craft classes of all kinds are offered year-round at the Grand Marais, MN Lake Superior harbor campus.
Website: www.NorthHouse.org
Springboard for the Arts’ mission is to cultivate a vibrant arts community by connecting artists with the skills, contacts, information and services they need to make a living and a life.
Website: www.springboardforthearts.org
Women’s Art Resources of Minnesota (WARM), is a membership organization rooted in and stemming from the feminist art movement of the 1970’s which supports women artists across the state with exhibition and professional development opportunities, has held its home base in the Minnesota Women’s Building on Rice Street just north of University Avenue for many years.
Website: www.TheWARM.org